Saturday, September 29, 2012

Randomness of the Rectangular Rhinocerous Variety...

When we last left our hero...  he was broke down.  That got fixed.

So this month I...
1. Repaired a dam that washed out a couple years ago...
2. Had my little ho have a coupler fail and no longer worked.  I'll fix that tomorrow.
3. Bought new front tires for my mechanical horse so I can ride it next week.
4. Cleaned and packed a travel trailer so that I can stay in it next week as I chase cows on my mech horsie...
5. Did a plethora of other things that I can't remember...  but I was busy.

Next up is where I tell you about breaking down and buying some high dollar hooch.  Don't ever start drinking high dollar hooch.  Especially you Tiff...  You can't go back.  What kind you ask?  Well...   some Pendleton 1910 .  It's...  really good.  Scary good in fact.

Contrary to popular belief...  I'm not Steve McKenna although we do bare a remarkable resemblance when fully bearded...

And once again, if you haven't guessed from the earlier writing...  I'm off to the hills to start the yearly gathering of the vacas.  That means I'll be working cattle steady for probably the next 30 days or so.  Much riding, much dust, much eating of frost gnats, and much in the way of sore ass-ets. Maybe even a short temper or two.  All in all much fun to be had.  Don't you wish you were me?

And finally...  in the realm of randomness that I've occupied today (I blame Tiff for this)...

Happy Birthday Twichie.

Today's mystery lyric: (Remember the rules folks, no online searching of the lyrics, if you don't know it, you don't have the answer!)

And you just don't get it
Keep it copacetic
And you learn to accept it
You know
You're so pathetic
Answer to last lyric: Today sung by John Denver, but I've never actually heard him sing it before now...