The Great Debate
Wherein we will debate the greatness of 8.
Nahhh... not really. I was just fishin' for a title. No, today you will all be treated to a bit of a rant.
I often surf the internets (as Tiff likes to say), and almost daily find myself waiting for the content of the pages I'm hitting to load. What's the big deal with that you may ask? Well... I guess it all boils down to this...
Why is it that all the crap you don't really care about always has to load first? The banners, the borders, the ads... well... they all seem to be first on the list. The actual content that you want to see like a new post or topic always comes in very last. And heaven help me if it's a graphic heavy site. I know, I know... I live in the stix. BFE if you will, and for this "luxury" I'm forced to endure less than stellar internet service, but gadfry... it does get old.
But as bad as blogger is, it is much better than myspace. Myspace might possibly be the worst of the worst. The few times I've ventured over there it's been horrible. Not only do you have to wait until all the overabundance of crap that everyone throws on their sites loads up, but also the crapload of "cutsie" flock-shot comments too before any type of post appears. I don't know how people can actually stand it over there, but it could just be a generational thing.
Sometimes... less is more.
Nahhh... not really. I was just fishin' for a title. No, today you will all be treated to a bit of a rant.
I often surf the internets (as Tiff likes to say), and almost daily find myself waiting for the content of the pages I'm hitting to load. What's the big deal with that you may ask? Well... I guess it all boils down to this...
Why is it that all the crap you don't really care about always has to load first? The banners, the borders, the ads... well... they all seem to be first on the list. The actual content that you want to see like a new post or topic always comes in very last. And heaven help me if it's a graphic heavy site. I know, I know... I live in the stix. BFE if you will, and for this "luxury" I'm forced to endure less than stellar internet service, but gadfry... it does get old.
But as bad as blogger is, it is much better than myspace. Myspace might possibly be the worst of the worst. The few times I've ventured over there it's been horrible. Not only do you have to wait until all the overabundance of crap that everyone throws on their sites loads up, but also the crapload of "cutsie" flock-shot comments too before any type of post appears. I don't know how people can actually stand it over there, but it could just be a generational thing.
Sometimes... less is more.