The One Where the Ladies Swoon, and Possibly Urp
Well... Sunny concocted this question about which Celebrity would be your twin, and linked to this site where you could scan your image and it would use facial recognition software to compare you to. Being the sucker that I am... I went over there.
Ok... so I uploaded the full version of this pic,
which you've already seen, for the fun to commence.
In retrospect, I probably should have looked for a picture without the moustache, or any facial hair, because I think the fuzz kinda threw the software for a bit of a loop. But it did want to know what I looked like now, I guess...
Anyway... Sunny didn't want us to reveal who the matches were just yet, but shoot... she can't tell me what to do on my own blog, so there! ;) And besides... none of her readers come over here anyway so the surprise is still preserved.
I uploaded the thing for the facial recognition, which was "free". But like most "free" things online, they only wanted you to register and fill out all of the "required fields" by asking truly intrusive questions about your love life and the size of your unit. (Trying to bump that rating up, folks.) Ok... it wasn't that bad, but why do they need my email address and zip code in order to scan an image I've already provided them? *shrug*
Alright, so it starts to have its way with my pic (who knows what dastardly things were going on back there) and it comes back with my celebrity matches.
Now before I go any further, I kinda have to tell you all that these matches weren't exactly 100% accurate. In fact, the best one was only a 63% match and went down from there. But alas, it does give you, my unfaithful readers, something to go by.
Are you ready? Really, really ready? I'm warning you... it might not be pretty. More than that, it might skew your pre-conceived notions of what I actually look like. I mean c'mon... think of the disappointment. You may never be able to look at these celebrities again without having their images tainted with a pick-axe and stocking cap. I mean it... quit now while you're ahead. Don't say I didn't warn ya!
Ok... at the top of the list, by one percentage point, we have:
Barry Pepper. Meh... not who I'd say I looked like, but he did portray Dale Sr. for ESPN's movie and got to make out with that PinTA lookalike Liz Mitchell. Now there's an image for her to try and scrub out of her brain. ;)
Next, but only trailing by 1 point was:
Yup. Christian Bale. I'm Batman! I know, I know... there are some of you out there that are now ruined on Bale films, and I know some of you have even drooled over his "hotness" on your blogs before and are now stifling that little bit of vomit. Serves you right.
Next... I had a couple of black and white's from ages past, one being Frederick Neitsche, but I'm wagering that was based on the stache.
Just down the list from them, but only coming in at around 58% was:
I just can't add anything to that pic, nor it's expression.
Just after Keanu, we had:
That's right folks. The man, the myth, the Angel, David Boreanaz. Some similarities there, but not all that much.
And not quite last, but my personal favorite celebrity lookalike matchup based upon a facial recognition software extraordinaire...
Ok... so I uploaded the full version of this pic,
which you've already seen, for the fun to commence.
In retrospect, I probably should have looked for a picture without the moustache, or any facial hair, because I think the fuzz kinda threw the software for a bit of a loop. But it did want to know what I looked like now, I guess...
Anyway... Sunny didn't want us to reveal who the matches were just yet, but shoot... she can't tell me what to do on my own blog, so there! ;) And besides... none of her readers come over here anyway so the surprise is still preserved.
I uploaded the thing for the facial recognition, which was "free". But like most "free" things online, they only wanted you to register and fill out all of the "required fields" by asking truly intrusive questions about your love life and the size of your unit. (Trying to bump that rating up, folks.) Ok... it wasn't that bad, but why do they need my email address and zip code in order to scan an image I've already provided them? *shrug*
Alright, so it starts to have its way with my pic (who knows what dastardly things were going on back there) and it comes back with my celebrity matches.
Now before I go any further, I kinda have to tell you all that these matches weren't exactly 100% accurate. In fact, the best one was only a 63% match and went down from there. But alas, it does give you, my unfaithful readers, something to go by.
Are you ready? Really, really ready? I'm warning you... it might not be pretty. More than that, it might skew your pre-conceived notions of what I actually look like. I mean c'mon... think of the disappointment. You may never be able to look at these celebrities again without having their images tainted with a pick-axe and stocking cap. I mean it... quit now while you're ahead. Don't say I didn't warn ya!
Ok... at the top of the list, by one percentage point, we have:
Barry Pepper. Meh... not who I'd say I looked like, but he did portray Dale Sr. for ESPN's movie and got to make out with that PinTA lookalike Liz Mitchell. Now there's an image for her to try and scrub out of her brain. ;)
Next, but only trailing by 1 point was:
Yup. Christian Bale. I'm Batman! I know, I know... there are some of you out there that are now ruined on Bale films, and I know some of you have even drooled over his "hotness" on your blogs before and are now stifling that little bit of vomit. Serves you right.
Next... I had a couple of black and white's from ages past, one being Frederick Neitsche, but I'm wagering that was based on the stache.
Just down the list from them, but only coming in at around 58% was:
I just can't add anything to that pic, nor it's expression.
Just after Keanu, we had:
That's right folks. The man, the myth, the Angel, David Boreanaz. Some similarities there, but not all that much.
And not quite last, but my personal favorite celebrity lookalike matchup based upon a facial recognition software extraordinaire...